Top 7 Secrete Tips for Dissertation Writing That Will Help In Final Project

Top 7 Secrete Tips for Dissertation Writing That Will Help In Final Project 1

Dissertation is a final project which is submitted by the PhD candidates or Master level candidates aiming to gain degree. It presents the author’s research and findings. It is not easy to write dissertation but it is not even impossible. It requires immense concentration on the details.  Most of the candidates who face difficulty in writing dissertation usually either procrastinate, lack in research skills or lack in writing skills. The seven tips that will surely assist the candidates in writing an effective dissertation are:


It is the proposal of dissertation which is meant to persuade the committee members. It mentions the main points that will be included in the main dissertation writing. As dissertation writing has a procedure, similarly the proposal also has a structure. The student has to choose the title of dissertation while considering the aspects such as the problem it is going to tackle, the community to which the problem belong and the importance of the problem.


The choice of structure type usually depends upon the candidate. He can consult from his supervisor in the case of uncertainty. But, a conventional structure of writing a postgraduate thesis is to write it in a book form with chapters. The number of chapters depends upon the specific research project and the duration of course but a typical organized dissertation will have chapters as follows:
  •  Title page: The starting page which includes the relevant information about the thesis.
  •  Abstract: The summary of the project.
  •  Contents: List of chapters and figures in the thesis.
  •  Chapter 1- Background: The description of rationale behind the project
  • Chapter 2- Literature Review: The summary of the research process.
  • Chapter 3- Methodology: The Description of methodology used in the research. If it is a qualitative dissertation then expose the research questions, settings, participants, data collection and data analysis process. If it’s a quantitative dissertation then in this chapter focus on research questions and hypotheses, information about population and sample, collection of data and instrumentation.
  • Chapter 4- Data Analysis: The description of techniques used in analyzing the research data.
  • Chapter 5- Discussion: The main conclusions based on the data analysis. The summary of study and brief report of results.
  • Chapter 6- Conclusion: The main points of the whole research are discussed.
  • Bibliography: A list of references cited in the thesis by using the recommended citation style.
  •  Appendices: The additional materials used in the research.

The format of the structure depends upon the guidelines provided by universities. Therefore, it must be taken into consideration to save the thesis from getting penalized.


Once the dissertation proposal is approved, the further important work should be started. The time to start the thesis writing depends upon the duration of course and the scope of research project. The research project can be very short or relatively very long. If the thesis is too long then the candidate have to keep writing thesis in the course of research whereas if it is too short then the student might not be able to write it before the completion of research. However, it is suggested that the candidate should start writing some parts of the thesis as soon as possible regardless of the length of thesis. Moreover, an itinerary should be made by the student. A lot of research is required in dissertation writing therefore sometime should be dedicated for research.  The planning will naturally make dissertation easier for the candidate as he will not get overwhelmed by the length and complexity. The things will progress out smoothly.


The improvement in the writing skills is a gradual process which requires ample time. But, if the dissertation writing is urgent then candidate can look forward to these tips in order to adopt the academic style of writing. Firstly, he can read the academic articles and writings which will enable him to get used to academic writing style effortlessly. Secondly, he can attend the writing courses or workshops offered by most of the universities. He can also consult from the other post graduate students. Lastly, the first draft can be written as early as possible and send to supervisor for the review. Doing this process frequently will enable him to recognize and correct the mistakes himself.


It is an important stage of dissertation. A lot of data is required for writing a thesis. Therefore, an efficient way should be developed during the studies of PhD level and other levels (e.g. Masters and undergraduate) for organizing the bibliography. An easy way to keep a record of all the articles is to create a database which can be maintained throughout the studies by writing articles in the bullet form. The dissertation research stage should be methodical instead of wasting time on analysis of irrelevant resources. The research is usually conducted on the internet but the information is sometimes not true therefore, the person should look out for the trustworthy sources of information. Moreover, the candidate can go through a number of dissertation proposals with comprehensive review of literature.


It is one of the most vital tasks in dissertation writing. Many times it happens that the students unintentionally copy the specific sections of journal when they are citing which results in plagiarism. The writing of unoriginal idea in the thesis also results in plagiarism. But in this case, the student can simply rephrase the statement of journal article which he wants to cite and mention the source along with it.


There is a significant difference between proofreading and editing. Editing focuses on the content of the dissertation whereas proofreading focuses on the errors in the paper format. Editing should be done prior to proofreading. During editing, the candidate must try to look that whether the dissertation sounds logical or not. The dissertation must be clear and of quality. In proofreading, he should look out for errors in grammar, style, punctuation and spelling. Moreover, it is necessary to get feedback from the friends or colleagues who have the knowledge of that field. The suggestions for improvements by his own mentor will surely assist the candidate in attaining his goals.
If the candidate still faces problems in dissertation writing, then he can easily hire the online dissertation writing services. It is difficult to find the trustworthy writing one as there are many services. The services provide assistance whether there is lack of time, less knowledge about the topic, ambiguity in selection of topic or any other reasons. Some of the services have highly experienced team of writers which produce the best quality thesis. Some of them also provide assistance in proofreading and editing. The assistance service chosen by the candidate must produce 100% free plagiarism content and satisfaction work.

About the Author:

Andrew moved to Florence, Alabama from EAST WILLIAMSTON, He studied Masters in English at the British University and started to work in a fast upscale environment; He is passionate about the writing and joined the writing team at US-Based Company “DissertationBoss” where he is providing his best assistance in the field of academic writing.

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