Tag: Blogging Tricks

Best Free Backlink Checker Tool for Webmasters and Bloggers

Backlinks is more important to blog to generate traffic. Search engines ranked websites based on Backlinks only. Backlinks are categories in to two types. DoFollow and NoFollow backlinks. DoFollow backlinks are more important to generate good page rank. NoFollow backlinks are useless backlink. More webmasters remove & check backlinks using some famous backlinks checkers. But

Top 10 Ways to Boost Alexa Rank Faster

Alexa rank is more important for every blogger to get direct advertisement. Now, Advertiser only see alexa rank to advertise on your blog. Google Page Rank is dead. Google update PR rarely. So, in this post I share some of the ways to Boost Alexa Rank on your Website/Blog. SponsoredReviews.com rate your blog using Alexa