How to download specific part of Youtube Videos?

In the previous tutorial i explain How to download youtube videos without using Software?

In this tutorial i will explain how to download cropped youtube video? or specific part of Videos?

Step 1: Copy the youtube video URL you want to download

How to download specific part of Youtube Videos? 1

Step 2: Go to

Step 3: Paste the Youtube URL in the following box.

How to download specific part of Youtube Videos? 2

Step 4: Now Click Continue Button.

How to download specific part of Youtube Videos? 3

Step 5: Now Select Format you want to download. ex: i click AVI

How to download specific part of Youtube Videos? 4

Step 6: Untick the Start of Video and End of Video. Now enter you want time inteval

Step 7: Click the start button. Now your video start to download


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