Huawei plan to Make Android+Windows Dual OS Smartphones

Huawei plan to Make Android+Windows Dual OS Smartphones 1

Chinese Company Huawei plan to make Windows+Android OS Smartphones. This Company Chief marketing Officer tell about this

“We are still committed to make Windows Phone devices. Compared with Android, the priority of Windows Phone is much lower but is still one of our choices of OS. We are definitely using a multi OS strategy.”

“With Windows Phone, one direction for us – and one that we are now following is dual-OS, dual-OS with Android and Windows together both.”

“If it is Windows only, maybe people will not find it as easy a decision to buy the phone. If they have the Android and Windows together, you can change it as you wish and it is much easier for people to choose Windows Phone”.

Already Microsoft cancelled Asus request. Now Huawei plan to make this project.

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