5 year old boy hacked Microsoft Xbox password

5 year old boy hacked Microsoft Xbox password 1

This news is true. 5 years old boy hacked Microsoft Xbox account login password. That Guy Name is Kristoffer Von Hassel.

Kristoffer was 5 year old boy. He is living in Ocean Beach. He love to play games on Xbox. One day his dad see Kristoffer play games using his dad account. After his dad watching what he do?

Kristoffer typed wrong password and pressing space bar. It bypass the password verification. His dad send this bugs to Microsoft.

 Microsoft says “We’re always listening to our customers and thank them for bringing issues to our attention. We take security seriously at Xbox and fixed the issue as soon as we learned about it.”

Microsoft awarded kristoffer some games. $50 bugs, 1 year Xbox one free subscription and placed his name on Microsoft Security researchers.

5 year old boy hacked Microsoft Xbox password 2

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