Android 4.4.3 Kitkat Features

Android 4.4.3 Kitkat Features 1

Android 4.4 has more bugs. Google overcomes the bug and make Android 4.4.3 for Google Nexus 5.


  • frequent data connection dropout fix
  • mm-qcamera-daemon crash and optimization fixes
  • camera focus in regular and HDR modes fixes
  • Power Manager display wakelock fix
  • multiple Bluetooth fixes
  • fix for a random reboot
  • app shortcuts sometimes got removed from launcher after update
  • USB debugging security fix
  • app shortcuts security fix
  • Wi-Fi auto-connect fix
  • other camera fixes
  • MMS, Email/Exchange, Calendar, People/Dialer/Contacts, DSP, IPv6, VPN fixes
  • stuck in activation screen fix
  • missed call LED fix
  • subtitle fixes
  • data usage graph fix
  • Internet telephony fix
  • FCC compliance fix
  • miscellaneous fixes

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