Total Posts & Total Comments Widget for Blogger Blog

Total Posts & Total Comments Widget for Blogger Blog 1

In this posts i share you a amazing Total Posts and Comments displaying widgets
This widgets more useful to your users can view total posts and comments in your blog. Most of the popular website used this widgets to display his popularity. So, i share this widgets for you. Simply follow my steps you can also add this widget to your blog.

Step 1: Go to your Blogger Account. Layout section

Step 2: Click Add a Gadget and Go to HTML/Javascript

Step 3: Copy this below code and paste it.

<div style=”background:black;width:220px;padding:10px;text-align:center;border:5px solid blue;font:20px Tahoma;color:white;”><script style=”text/javascript”>function SmartCount(json){document.write(parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10));}</script><p>Total Posts: <script src=””></script></p><p>Total Comments: <script src=””></script></p>
<a href=”” target=”_blank”>Design by TheTechwar</a></div>

Step 4: Replace to your site URL.

Step 5: Save it.

Note: Never remove the credit.

Now, You add Total Posts & Comments Widget to your Blog. Enjoy using this widget. Any problem leave comment below.

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