Top 10 Ultimate Fitness IPhone Apps

Many people dream of staying fit. However, most of these fitness enthusiasts lack an idea about the best practices that they can incorporate into their lifestyles. They often end up taking part in workout activities fronted by laymen, which might not be effective in the end. The App Store is the go-to site for iPhone users who intend to maintain their fitness level. The following are the most pragmatic applications that can help them maintain healthy ways of life.
Top 10 Ultimate Fitness IPhone Apps

1. FitStar Personal Trainer
This has emerged as the go-to fitness app for iPhone users who wish to stay fit. The app offers personalized services to users because it gives them the flexibility to create and compel themselves to a strict dietary and workout regime. This is usually done with the assistance of videos and audios.
2. BodySpace
This is a pioneering social fitness app that combines an assortment of highly rated workout plans designed by competent coaches and renowned athletes. This is done on a large platform that brings together a diverse fitness band. If you opt for BodySpace, you have the freedom to choose from programs that appeal to your age, fitness levels, gender, and goals. You can also choose instructional videos and have one-on-one communication with experts.
3. Map My Run
This application should be of particular interest to those whose prefer fitness activity is running. This is a convenient tool that goes beyond tracking the distance that one has run. The application tallies users’ pace and compares it with their hear rates. From these statistics, the real time statistics of runners is kept updated to determine their workout rate. The application even goes ahead to detect user’s calorie and nutritional intake.
4. Fitbit
This is an application that tracks the daily activities of its users in one platform without a glitch. The platform provides a fitness bandwagon, which is of great help to those who use it. It can help users to map out jogging, hiking and cycling routes that they can use to stay healthy. Besides this, users have the opportunity of tracking their calories from more than 350,000 food articles posted on the application’s database. This gives them an idea about how many calories they have burnt within a specific time. There are access grids and charts, which detail the weight of users, the time that they have been active and any other information concerning their fitness regimes.
5. RunKeeper
Fitness exercises vary from one individual to another. Whereas others enjoy working out on their own, others often look forward to working with a fitness instructor. Your preferences don’t matter because RunKeeper will sustain you during workout routines. You can choose from a variety of routes that have been planned earlier. These are usually mapped out to help you while cycling, jogging or walking. Your mileage information is kept updated together with your heart rate, pace and the number of calories burnt. The application can be downloaded from the App Store for free, which makes it even more convenient.
6. Fitness Buddy
This is a platform that incorporates a wide range of exercises and avails them to you via videos. There are numerous customized exercises that you can choose from. These exercises do not pose any harm or injury to you. The presence of tracking software makes it possible to assess the basal metabolic rate of your body.
7. Couch-to-5K
This is an award winning application whose developers wanted to help runners taking part in the activity for the first time. It introduces them to the routine in a way that keeps them motivated to keep running. There are audio reminders that keep them updated about the time programmed for the activity.
8. JEFIT Workout
This is the go-to app for body builders. It gives them the ability to design their workout routines. There are numerous bodybuilding routines to choose from. Their activities can be tracked at any given time. Such close observation can help users to stay focused on their workout routines.
9. Workout Hero
This application has been widely recognized for turning workouts into a fun activity. Workout Hero tracks the activities of those using it and shares the results on social media. It makes use of tools such as stopwatches and alarms. There is information about directions to gyms operating in the locality. This has made it a favorite app among fitness fanatics.
10. Spring
This is the go-to app for those who want to combine their love for music and fitness. It helps you to pick songs that correspond to your workout procedures. Your movements are synchronized with your favorite songs. 
These iPhone apps will go a long way in helping live a healthy life. Take your time to choose the best for you.
Author Bio

Kathy Mitchell is a technology and gadget geek, writer & blogger by profession. She loves to write articles for many on-line communities, blogs, & websites related to gadgets & new technologies.  Connect with her on  Google+, Facebook and  Twitter.

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