SEO Vs. PPC: A One-To-One Analysis!

SEO Vs. PPC: A One-To-One Analysis!

When it is about increasing traffic to your website or certain page visits, one wonders as to whether he should employ SEO (Search Engine Optimization) technique or PPC (Pay-Per-Click) method in order to achieve that.
PPC advertising can be paid for through Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing among others. Your sponsored ads display in the section of your choice on search engine results page. If the keyword is the most sought after, the viewer is more likely to click to be directed towards a site or web page.
However, SEO is the organic approach. By organic, it means natural search results when a keyword is entered in a search box. The idea behind SEO is to rank certain web page or site to appear at the top most in the search results.
Which is better will depend on a number of factors which are as under.

1.      Advertising Budget

The advertising budget is directly proportional to the size of your business. Although it is recommended to keep your budget somewhere between $5 -10 a day but it may vary depending which technique you opt for.
If you choose PPC then that means you have money to spare and can invest diligently in advertising which will, in turn, ensure faster testing and protection from SEO algorithm updates. Should you decide with SEO then that means you are low on cash and will instead seek to capitalize on free SEO tools.
With PPC, however, you can measure visitors and subsequent conversions by linking your Google Analytics account with it. Resultantly, your ROI can be deduced.

2.     Industry CPC

It is also important to understand what ads people are paying for in your industry what is being paid. PPC offers the chance to bid on single keyword/phrase click aka CPC and also what users are willing to pay for one such keyword phrase (average CPC).
Sometimes the average CPC rates climb too high for businesses to derive profit from ads. Hence, under such cases SEO works well.

3.     SERPs In Your Niche

SERPs (search engine result pages) are another source of determining whether you should stick with PPC or SEO, how? You need to figure out the competency level of the SERPs in your industry first. You can do this by entering a certain phrase in Google keyword tool and it will detail you the number of advertisers bidding on that, competition level and average CPC in this regard.
If you come to the conclusion that authority websites are leading the way in your niche then it is better to come up with a displacement strategy through PPC. Since the more money, you spend the higher the chances of driving traffic towards your web page or site. It’s like setting up a promotion campaign for your brand.
SEO, as previously mentioned relies on an organic aspect of the digital marketing and is naturally slow in garnering results. You ought to be patient with SEO to see results. However, it is not always that you choose between the two, you can always try a mixed approach to meet your objectives too.

4.    Ease Of Use And Conversion Rates

For both SEO and PPC, a skillset is required without which navigating under both environments is difficult. If you have knowledge in the field you can leverage the two to their maximum potential. For PPC it may require for you to hire a PC expert to train during your job or you will have to take a course and expend a fortune to learn how PPC works.
From the ease-of-use context, SEO is tougher because as discussed it can take a longer period of time to rank your website or at times it does not rank altogether. Conversion rates differ. If you are running highly targeted ads, PPC will yield a greater number of conversions. Optimization is essential for SEO because with the right amount of optimization a visitor coming from a search result is more likely to convert.
Now that you have a breakdown of these two techniques of search engine marketing, we hope that you could make better use them in the interest of your online business. Wishing you best of luck!

Author Bio: Anna Marsh is a Digital Marketing Expert and a pro Blogger. She is an experienced Online Marketer and loves blogging on SEO, SEM, social media and blogging through assignment help @ platform. For updates, you can follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

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