Social Media Marketing Tools To Boost Traffic

mistake about it, it is one of the challenging marketing tactics to enact. This article will list down few of the most sought after social media marketing tools which enable you to increase your website traffic.

Social Media Marketing Tools To Boost Traffic


BuzzSumo helps you identify what your audience wants to read about in a post. It was launched back in the year 2014 and since then has become a force in the realm of social media marketing tools. All you have to do is enter the industry/niche/keyword or phrase and it will list down the top-trending pieces in the said domain ranging from articles, infographic, and videos based on the number of shares they have across the internet.


A Facebook application designed to craft cover photos, customized tabs, and contests. It can help those who are new to the field of design and can play around to gain the knowledge. We know that visual appeal and powerhouse content factors in a lot to execute a successful social media marketing campaign, therefore, PageModo will prove to be quite useful in accomplishing all of those objectives.

It is more than just a URL shrinking tool. allows you the chance to create a call-to-action (CTA) on each link you share across social media. This tool greatly helps bring traffic to your website by simply sharing other people’s content.

With each piece of shared content, you have the option to create a tailored button for your CTA text and the subsequent link. The tool is relatively easier to use and can lend some good analytics too while you are working with it. Analytics will reveal which campaigns need tweaking and which ones are doing well.


We know of social media sharing buttons that we see at the bottom of the articles/blog posts or in the sidebar or even at the top. This facilitates quick sharing for readers when they find some interesting content on the web with their connections and followers. That is possible through AddThis.
Sprout Social

Another social media management tool that allows you to schedule the publishing date and time of your posts. And when it does it will publish it across all social media channels that you have listed. All you have to do is prepare a draft and schedule it to be published on say Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

Sprout Social on that allocated date and time will have it published on the said channels. It also provides you the ability to ascertain the behavioral/engagement patterns of your visitors with the content on your website. With this information, you can decide what the appropriate times for publishing are.


You can attain lead Socedo on Twitter. It helps you generate leads solely extracted from the social media database. You can enter keywords or phrases, even hashtags too and it provides with a list of potential leads. Moreover, you can automatically favorite tweets, follow prospects and send direct messages, all thanks to Socedo.

Author Bio: Joshua is a social media enthusiast and is seasoned SEO. He loves to blog and writes to educate his readers in the field of digital media marketing. You can contact him for buy assignment help by following him via his social media handles.

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