6 Major Impacts of Technology on Our Daily Lives

Today, we are living in an age of highly advanced technology where almost every part of our lives takes the impact of technology one way or another. Over the last decade, technology has been quite successful in providing us with high-end luxuries, facilities, and eventually changing our lives dramatically. From highly developed gadgets like computers, laptops, cell phones to basic necessities of everyday life (TV, refrigerators, etc.); technology has advanced the way we communicate, study, work, shop, play, and even behave. In this article, we’ll talk about some major impacts of technology on our daily lives.

6 Major Impacts of Technology on Our Daily Lives1.Improved Lifestyle

Our lifestyle is one of the many things that have immensely been impacted by the modern technology. We come across a lot of automated things in our home today that has given us a lease of life. All credit goes to the advanced technological solutions including security cameras, automated door locks, and more that have made our home much secure than before. Also, an easy access to the internet keeps ourselves updated with the latest news and information all the time.

2.Improved Communication

Non-stop development in the field of technology also led to many ways of e-communication. From social media networks to voicemails, emails, and video conferences; all these advanced tools for communication have eliminated distance and time as a communication obstacle. Not only that, it has given students from different countries to learn about a certain culture and more.

3.Improved Home Entertainment

A long ago, our entertainment experiences were limited to the moment they happened, and live in our memories forever. But now, the rapid growth of the internet, social networks, and mobile connectivity has changed everything fully.

One of the biggest example here is the transition of videotapes into CDs/DVDs. not only that the DVDs are smaller in size than tapes but also they have the capacity to store same and even more amount of data. Another big technological advancement is the introduction of LCD TV. Comparatively, the new LCD TVs are much more efficient than the previous televisions. Today, we are able to enjoy high definition and good quality entertainment at home without any interruption; from Smart TVs to Xbox.

4.Convenience in Education

Where technology has a great impact on every aspect of our lives these days, education is no exception. The field of education has been changed in so many ways. First off, it has made students reach out any kind of knowledge through internet immediately. A huge amount of information is also accessible through e-books that empower your knowledge to a great extent. Additionally, online courses, which are mostly free, are on the rise.

It won’t be wrong saying that modern technology has made things much easier for students. With the use of their iPads or computer systems, they are able to learn any subject from anywhere in the world through online education. Also, they can share visual lessons, presentations, and other learning stuff with the peers. Undoubtedly, learning has been much more convenient, flexible, and most importantly effective.

5.Convenience of Travelling

Since transport is a crucial part of our lives, technology has taken the field on the storm. Modern transportation makes travelling long distances much easier as well-developed cars, trains, and aeroplanes have become our basic need. The automobile industry has been experiencing technological revolution for so long as a first steam-powered train was made in 1798, the modern car in 1886, and the first powered and controlled flight took place in 1903. Now that the technology has developed automobile industry so much, we cannot imagine our lives without it.

6.Improved Health Care Industry

It is true that we can’t deny from the fact that technology is a great driving force behind huge improvements in healthcare. A lot of hospitals have implemented modern technology in their surgical rooms that significantly reduced the chances of mistakes by doctors. Besides the technological advancement in hospitals, there are many other health apps that allow you to monitor weight, heart rate, and other health related properties at any time of the day. It goes without saying that the internet has become our main source of getting medical information.

Many people use the internet to diagnose and ask for advice from others who have been through the same symptoms. As a result, they are suggested with several remedies and alternative solutions on the web. Doctors may also use different ways of e-communication to consult colleagues all over the world as well as treat patients in rural and underdeveloped areas.


Although we have discussed so many ways technology has impacted our lives, the list doesn’t end here. The technological development is so hyped these days that we don’t even realise how it works for us. Hence, we cannot go back to the old days as we get used to the comforts and conveniences.

Author Bio:

Ranar Jones is an entrepreneur, columnist, and writer who loves to pen about trending topics related to technology and gadgets. He graduated from a well-known online university with a degree in Business Administration. Since he, himself, earned a degree from the virtual university, he encourage professional students to get a degree for life experience. These days, he is busy raising his two young adults and make them gain a quality education.

In his off-screen time, he prefers to play Netflix and Chill. Also, he enjoys some peace time in the downtown café having fresh Cappuccino.

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